Project Management

You can trust us to handle all aspects of your project management. From contract administration and project monitoring to health and safety, partnership management, and procurement, we provide a complete wrap-around service. We ensure your project stays on track, swiftly addressing any unforeseen issues to protect your bottom line and meet timelines. Think of BPM as your right-hand partner, supporting you every step of the way, from pre-project planning to post-project completion. 

Two people conversing at a construction site, one wearing a high-visibility orange vest with a logo, and the other in a black jacket and cap. They stand on sandy ground with trees and hills in the background.

What We Offer

  • Contract administration including Engineer to Contract

    This involves a process of activities which help to manage the design, contract agreement and the construction process of any development project with proper control. In the construction industry, the contract administrator is the individual responsibility for administering the construction contracts. The contract administrator’s role will generally include; preparing contract documents for execution and acting as the independent administer of the contract between the contractor and Principal.

  • Construction monitoring project management

    This service provides clients with independent verification that the works have been completed in accordance with specified requirements, including; on-site monitoring of the health and safety, quality control, management of change process and compliance.

  • Workplace health, safety and wellbeing

    We take workplace health, safety and welfare seriously at BPM. We lead by example and believe in the safety and wellbeing of staff and contractors to ensure their optimum safety on-site. We actively work with contractors to encourage and mentor workplace safety, ensure personal accountability for onsite safety, monitor compliance with legal requirements and relevant codes of practice and monitor operational risk management systems.

  • Client-side programme management

    We build partnerships with our clients to help understand your big picture and break this down project-by-project to develop and deliver a realistic programme of works reducing a companies level of risk by offering a reliable outsourced solution.

  • Procurement

    We typically break this into procurement of services to deliver a project and material procurement which covers supply chain management to ensure the best quality and price for the client. We build relationships with the suppliers so as we build clients programmes of work, we can ensure we deliver the cost saving benefits and assurance that we can deliver materials to meet the project time frame.